Garden Center Workshops

Garden Center Workshops

Mixed Flower Hanging Basket Make & Take Workshop
During this make and take workshop you will fill a wonderful 14” hanging basket with flowers that bloom and enjoy throughout the garden year. This basket itself will last many seasons. Learn about new cultivars of plants for your garden. Taught by Lauren Manning. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Herb Day Workshop
The day is devoted to growing and using herbs as well as how to use essential oils. Sampling and recipes will be provided for using favorite herbs. Two demonstrations will be held. One on essential oils We will teach you how to make an essential oil stress reliever roller to take home and enjoy. The other make and take 10” herb container including multiple herbs. Taught by Lauren Manning. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Pollinator Attracting Pot Workshop
Want to support pollinators but don’t have the space? During this make and take workshop you will fill a 10” container with pollinator friendly plants. Since nectar and pollen is what pollinators are really after, this sweet tasting container is packed with flowers that provide a perfect banquet for all pollinators. Taught by Lauren Manning. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Mosquito Repellant Plants Workshop
Register for a fun class creating a container that will repel those annoying mosquitoes in the summer! As well as a few plants for you to enjoy in the kitchen. During this make and take workshop you will fill a 10” container with mosquito repelling plants. Taught by Lauren Manning. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Succulent Container Make & Take Workshop
You will fill a unique container with an assortment of succulents for “no care” gardening. Horticulturist, Greg Manning, will talk about his passion for succulents and sedums. Taught with Lauren Manning. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Tea Blending Class
This is a class where you will learn more about the different types of teas, their origins,proper preparation and health benefits. We will instruct on the blending process, custom blending of tea with a make and take special blend of your own. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Herb and Spice Blending Class
In this class we will be learning how to use herbs and spices fundamentals to healthy, flavorful cooking. Here you will learn to blend spices to create your own flavors to suit your own palate. Create your own signature spice mix. Supplies, lecture, demonstration, and lunch included. Classes fill very quickly. Reserve your seat now to guarantee you will get into the limited number of classes offered. $55.00

Sprouts 101
Did you know sprouts and microgreens are considered highly nutritious? They offer a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Learn how to sow, sprout, care for, harvest and preserve sprouts in this make and take workshop. Lecture, demonstration, starter kit and lunch is included. Taught by Lauren Manning. $55.00

Click here to see Dates and Times.

For more information, call (812) 346-5859 or Email at streamclifffarm@gmail

We Offer Workshop Group Packages

See Group Packages for more information.